Welcome to 2015 and I hope that everything is going well for you after 10 glorious days. This time of year is notorious for New Years Resolutions, goal setting, feelings of motivation, a drive to be a better person, a cleansing of mind, body and spirit and the pure hope that this year will be different. I applaud each and every person that on January 1st throws a bunch of ideas into a basket and prays that at least one of them sticks as a new habit or change going forward.
The problem with most resolutions (we will call them resolutions for this post) is they are just a hope or a prayer of a better life. How much time and effort do you put into the steps needed to make these resolutions happen? Most people have a goal of loosing weight but either don't quantify how much weight or the system/process needed to get you there. Yeah you can sign up for a gym membership but once you get in the gym do you have a system in place for accomplishing your resolution? If your resolution in the new year is to be more productive at work...well what steps are in place for that to happen?
I am a huge believer in resolutions or goals but the when, where and how to accomplish them is the problem. I like everyone else like to start the year off on a clean slate and push myself to be better than the day, month and year before. I however push my goals throughout the year with constant adaptation and change. Every Sunday afternoon I sit down and write for awhile about how my goals are coming along, are my systems in place for those goals working and if not what habits or traits can I follow to be better.
I keep coming using the word systems in the article for the shear fact that goals/resolutions are nothing if you don't have a system in place for achieving that. Take the weight loss/getting in shape example. If your top goal is getting in shape then you should break in down into a system for accomplishing it and holding yourself accountable to change. It would look like this...1. Sign up for gym membership 2. Hire a trainer or consult someone of knowledge so your not wasting your time doing the wrong exercises 3. Invest time in nutrition knowledge to support your recovery and gains 4. Find a training partner with same goals to hold you accountable 5. Plan your week i.e. MWF 60 minutes of exercise 6. Reward yourself for change...i.e. I get to shop for new clothes with my transformation.
The last you also don't want to overdue is trying to implement too many goals at once. There are a few people that can manage lots of change at once. Most people will achieve amazing results if they just focus on one thing at a time. Its fine to have 10-12 resolutions for the year but I ask you to maybe only focus on one a month and really excel and then by the end of the year you will have true transformation and accomplishment instead of frustration over minimal or failed results.
The following are my goals/habits/systems that I am implementing for the 2015 year and beyond.
1. 10-10-10 for Lake Placid Ironman (details soon to follow...figuring out a few health issues currently).
2. Learn, establish and execute a monthly podcast focused on health (nutrition, exercise, mental strength and motivation)
3. Daily Thank You Cards
4. One book a week
5. Improve 1% everyday
6. One month no alcohol with potential for more
7. Weekly Saturday Blog posts with one video post a month
8. Listen to one podcast daily
9. Fill my cup before I fill anyone else...I failed miserably in 2014 at not investing time in myself
10. Once a month date night with my wife
11. Sunday goal setting for the family...every member develops individual goals for the week
These are the main facets of what I want to accomplish and improve upon in 2015.
What are yours?
Thanks to everyone who has dontated to my Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation goal for Ironman Lake Placid. I am about half way to my goal with 7 months to go. No donation is to small or to large and I appreciate anything and everything you can offer.
Make It Count!!!!