Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Tolerance For Risk
"If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." - Jim Rohn
Years ago when my wife and I where setting up our financial plan with our advisor his first question was "what is your tolerance for risk?" The riskier you are in the financial world the greater potential to make money is but the downside is higher in that with anything luck could turn and you could loose more.
Life is not all that different in the decisions, actions and goals we encounter throughout our life. The bigger the goal the more risk you associate to failure, burnout or being overwhelmed with the task at hand. There is an ease to setting up goals that at the end of the day you know you will accomplish in time and that should you come across a difficult period all it takes is a slight recue of focus to change your direction. However over time do these fail safe goals make you happy? Do they push you in the direction you want? Are you achieving a level of accomplishment that you desire?
Years ago a mentor/parent figure in my life gave me one piece of information that I carry with me in all decisions I make. "If your mission in life doesn't scare you even a little then you are not living life to its fullest potential!!!" Since that day each decisions I make, each goal I set, each principle I try and teach all revolves around the ability to crank things up a notch. I don't get scared of failure anymore as failure is surrounded in everything we do and impossible to avoid. Instead I get scared in regards to the person I might become. Yes you heard that right....I get scared in regards to the person I might become. Will I have the energy, focus and vision to support that person? Any great journey is bound to change us for the better but are your foundationally sound to support the change. Times will get tough but who gives a shit. Its the strength and resilient person you may become is what matters.
Racing Ironman Triathlon for close to 20 years has mixed so well with my life's mission for one reason. While I love the actual race day I ABSOLUTELY love the day to day training that comes with Ironman. The ability to each day wake up with a plan of making yourself at least 1 percent better than the day before. To constantly try and chase that fountain of youth associated with always keeping the engine performing at high capacity no matter the age limitations. There is risk each day we wake up that injury might happen, that one will loose the love for the game, that others will have opinions that might weigh heavy on your personal quest, and that you might not hit your daily, monthly and yearly goals thus making you call into question your WHY.
Risk by itself stirs an emotion in people that is often negative. Why not flip that negative connotation into something positive and instead of run away from risk chase it instead. The riskier the decision the greater the success. Yes once again you can say that with increased risk comes increased risk of failure but who cares. If you have a strategy in place you can help minimize the failure or if failure occurs fight the good fight back to the top.
Here is the 10 step strategy I use:
1. Do my homework - In triathlon this is a training plan. In business its studying the market place. Study the success of others and see if what they do works into your world. Don't copy them specifically but allow yourself some freedom to know if certain tools, trades and tactics would help you.
2. Engage in mentors - This has been my number one go to over the years. A mentor is a great sound board to give you honest feedback. Friends in general will always agree with you but a strong mentor will set you straight when your off course. Its also nice to have some of accountability helping you through your journey.
3. Self evaluation - If your not doing this daily you are already off course. We make thousands of decisions every day along with thousand more thoughts. Constantly reflect on whether or not your in the right ballpark for your goals.
4. Read - Knowledge in power!!! We have the ability to study every topic at our finger tips these days. Find that person or business who has done it before and learn about their journey and what they encountered. Not every book will be an earth shattering discovery but I can guarantee that you will come away with some pearl in every book to make you a little better.
5. Consistency - Nothing will happen in a positive manner unless your consistent in your quest. From treating patients, to training for triathlons, to giving a thought provoking speech....everything comes with practice and consistent attempts to always be better.
6. Breath - Next time you are feeling overwhelmed take a second and take 5 deep breaths in with slow exhales. I can promise that in the 20 seconds it took you to do this simple task that you will be in a calmer, clearer state of being.
7. Maintain composure - The success of most of the worlds leaders these days comes from their ability to always maintain composure. They are quick to make decisions but not before evaluating all their options and analyzing what is good for their environment. Would you rather follow a leader who thinks a process through or one who is frazzled and in a state of panic?
8. Never settle - Never, never, never settle for the easy road. We all have it in use to reach that next level of success. Push the envelope until you see what is in that envelope.
9. Time management - Saying I don't have time is a lazy person's excuse. There is always time in the day to chase your dreams. Its when we are not efficient with our time that we find it difficult to stay on task. There will always be time if you want something bad enough!!!
10. Smile - Being other people focused is all about really being present time focused on others. Always presenting with a smile gives others a sense of comfort. This also allows you to consistently find peace in your decision making. Pretty sure when I smile it makes those last few sets of 800 meter repeats on the track a little more tolerable.
In the end any decision you make on a daily basis has risk associated with it. Why not turn yourself into a risk warrior and fight risk with a plan which will lead to success you deserve.
Make It Count!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Changed for good...
There are many journeys that we travel in life. One could almost have an argument that each day when we open our eyes we are set up for another journey. Life is not ONE long journey but is made up of small, individual quests that ebb and flow according to our beliefs/mission in life. If your mindset is one of a fixed mindset than you may be stuck in the same journey over and over. You may be limiting yourself of your full potential as either your values are off, other peoples opinions are driving your thoughts or you are having a hard time taking responsibility for your actions. On the other hand if your driving the car of life with a growth mindset than everyone better get out of the was as there is unlimited potential in this energy. Growth mindset only sees the upswing. Downturns or failures are nothing more than a learning experience. Obstacles are sometimes brought on by our own troubles and someone with a growth mindset sees this potential for disaster and diverts to higher ground. Growth mindset follows a Jocko Willink mentality of extreme ownership in that we are in charge of our own journey. Constantly look for ways you can improve the situation. Constantly use the term "I" in assessing blame instead of the term "they". Take ownership for your actions.
There is a saying that goes around in our family (see pic above)..."Because I knew you I have been changed for good." There are millions of exceptional quotes in this world but I always gravitate back to this quote as a demand force for the way one should live their life. Personal connections are the foundation for everything we do. Even in today's society where technology is taking away the live person to person interaction...personal connections are still needed to survive. So why not make it your journey to focus and help those around you fulfill their journey. This will always help two fold...1) It will allow that person to know they are not alone and that you are always just one step away from helping 2)Helping others will forever always come back to help you later on in life. Zig Ziglar said it best with....
"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want"
Take time to listen to someone's story and don't just be present thinking of the meeting you have later in the day or what you want to say next....really take the time to LISTEN to what someone is telling you. Listening is one of the foundational arts of being other people focused. Don't be so quick to respond but soak in the conversation and think of your response. People will give you the answer to all their problems if you just listen.
People come into our lives only for the benefit of everyone in the situation. I know that this sounds like bullshit but its true. Not every adventure in life is gonna be smooth sailing. Life is gonna raise its hand every now and then and slap you around. Life is gonna present you with an individual/situation that is not gonna jive with who you are. In all situations you have two options....you can either get frustrated, angry or shut down....or you can fight your ass off and show the strength of your character in your actions, leadership and ability to always try and take the higher road. I have a family member who is a great therapist and he said it pretty well last week in a conversation..."people are pretty simple at their core...if someone is hungry they eat, if someone is tired they sleep, its their mindset that switches up their thought processes." So I challenge you to be the person that stands tall and pushes those around you to be better. I also challenge yourself to be better. Start with a morning routine of reading, writing, exercise and mindfulness that allows you to be foundationally strong starting your day. Every successful person I know starts the day with purpose and every successful person I know follows what Zig Ziglar said in that if you help enough people in life than you can have anything you want.
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