Toughness in my mind is defined as the ability to push through situations when it feels like there is no way that can be possible. The ability to stay strong even when it would be easier to just give up and take the easier way out. Being able to take control when everyone around you is scrambling for answers. Having an optimistic view point that if you do everything in your power you will overcome.
Over the past 13 years of racing long course triathlon I feel that I have developed a layer of toughness in my sport that has gotten me to many a finish lines when I could have just given up. It has given me the strength to wake up when the rest of the world is sleeping so I can make sure I get in those key training sessions that add to my toughness. There was a point in my early career when an orthopedic surgeon said due to my foot structure i should just give up running as it was not in my future. At that point I could have given in but I decided to push on and prove him wrong and to this day that is what keeps me going-Toughness!
Over the past couple years I have had the unfortunate luck of having friends and family touched by cancer. It is a nasty disease that doesn't care a thing about what your plans in life are or what you have going for you. I have also seen the caregivers of these people develop a layer of toughness that is beyond anything I could imagine. Cancer affects everyone around the individual and while most cancer patients develop a layer of strength it is also important to have a solid support system in place.
Please take a moment to catch up on Jimmy's caring bridge page as new entries will give you insight as to how he is progressing. Also continued thanks to those who have donated to help his family through these hard times.
I will continue my fight against cancer and as always wake up each day and....MAKE IT COUNT!!!!
Mental strength that is required of athletes is the ultimate example of mind over matter. Always Inspired by your posts, Jake!