Monday, October 13, 2014


Have you ever come across someone who captured the essence of what living life to the fullest really meant? Have you ever had a conversation with someone and wished deep down that the conversation would never end due to the amazing insight from the individual? Have you ever been in someones presence and knew without a doubt that you had their full attention no matter the distraction going on in the background? Have you ever had the pleasure of unconditional love and immediate welcoming from your spouses family? Finally have you ever seen someone treat everyone equally with love and not judging that person just because they don't fit in or are just a little different? Well I can answer all of these questions with yes I have and could go on with a million more positive qualities but I think you understand the trend. 

This past weekend the world lost this amazing person as she is now in heaven looking down on us. She may not be with us anymore but there is so much that we can learn from her and carry on her legacy through our daily actions. She was always about loving your family hard, strong and forever as they are the ones that will always be there for you. She was one of the few I have ever seen enter a room and immediately be drawn in by everyone in attendance. There was something about the energy that she had that engulfed everyone's emotions. I never wanted the moments to end when we visited as I always felt like a better person and wanting to do more after talking with GiGi. 

I met GiGi about 12 years ago when I was blessed to meet the love of my life in my wife. 12 years may not seem like a lot of time but let me tell you that the memories are enough to fill a lifetime. I am jealous of my wife's family that they got the chance to grow up with her and I can only hope that the stories, memories and desire to be great will guide them the rest of their life. 

While I love that I had the chance to meet her I am over the moon filled with joy that all three of my daughters got to spend quality time with GiGi. As you can see in the pictures below they loved playing cards with her as well as just hearing the stories of her youth. Although I think my youngest just loved the fact that GiGi always wore such showy bangles which she more or less wanted to just chew on. 

What I want her to know is that I loved her like she was my own grandmother. She was one of the most incredible person. The energy that she portrayed and brought to everything she did I can see in her granddaughter Britt. She passed on to Britt an ability to love life, care immensely for others and take over a room with positive energy when she enters. She always told us never to settle but always follow what your heart tells you. While tears had been shed during this hard time there were also tears of joy knowing how lucky we are to have had the luxury of spending time with her. 

We know what kind of legacy GiGi left behind. If something happened to you tomorrow what kind of legacy would you leave behind? Is it one that you can be proud of or do you have a desire to be better? The good news is its never to late. Start right now while reading this with goals and an attitude of change. Do the little things needed so that when its your time someone will talk about how great you were and how it inspired them to be a better person. 

We love you GiGi and you will forever be in our hearts, thoughts and laughter. 

Make It Count!!!!

Two very, very incredible women

I think she is tickling my ear

She loved watching this one

Our little piece of heaven in Maine

Teaching the girls a little strategy

This picture says it all

At 96 she could fill a room with stories and spunk

My mom had the joy of GiGi

Three influential women in my life and very Beautiful

Nap time

She could always spread laughter

Always a smile

Love these two women more than they will ever know

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