Thursday, February 12, 2015

Let It Go!!!!

In an attempt to balance life's positive and negative energy I made a foolish decision to slowly let Mrs. Negative, Mr. Energy Drain, Mrs. Failure, Mr. Obstacle and Mrs. Why Me enter my illogical thought process. The unfortunate side of this is that this is the way many people live day to day. They easily let in the negative aspects of life and let those thoughts burn like a wild fire. In the immediate time frame it is much easier for us to have a negative mindset as it easily gives us a way out. It gives us the ability to not take any accountability for our actions (always blaming someone else for our short comings), it gives us the gift of living the comfortable life which never allows you to reach for the goals that bring out the best in you and most of all takes all the energy out of life.

A common trend among the most successful people in life is that they have rewired their thought processes to include Mr. Success, Mrs. Obstacle Is the Way, Mr. Take Charge, Mrs. I Will Make a Difference and Mr. Every Opportunity Is a Chance To Grow. You think there is any coincidence that their mindset equals their success?

This morning I let a situation occupy my thoughts and actions which gave the situation more credit than it really deserved. I got heated about how people where reacting to it which drove me to respond in a not so Jake fashion. Instead of taking a second to step back and survey the scene and respond I jumped straight in and my immediate reaction was that of a negative approach. This continued a downward spiral until my daughter said stop right now daddy and than continued to sing a song to me....

She started to sing the song "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen. I immediately stopped, brought my thoughts back into my core, thought about how foolish I was reacting and immediately joined my daughter in song. Yes having three girls I have seen the movie about 146 times so the songs chorus is not something foreign to me. Actually singing out loud and acting goofy was just what I needed.

Whether she knew it or not her actions of telling me to "Let It Go" was perfect timing and just what I needed. I was reacting to something so small but giving it a mountain of negative energy and she saw that I was not my typical happy dad.

My point in this blog is not to tell you to live this perfect, positive, smile all the time life. I know that at times that is not possible. What I do know is we have the power of choice, thoughts and the ability to take negative events/thoughts/actions of others/ourselves and "Let It Go". Evaluate the importance of the event and quickly make a choice as to what energy you will give it. If the event is a life changing event than go for it 100% and make a difference. However if the event is (negative/non-productive energy) like most events that occupy the day and will eventually cause you to redirect your energy towards something that doesn't build you up then I give you permission to out loud sing your own version of "Let It Go".

Remember life is up to you and what you do today going forward will make your legacy.


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