Monday, July 27, 2015

Be First

Yes this picture is of my daughter running and yes we are a running family and yes we get a little competitive at times but surprisingly this blog has nothing to do with running to get first place. I just love the picture as the form is money.

While out shopping this past weekend I noticed a trend that might speak to the fact why human interaction is sometimes limited and when interaction does take place there is a palpable tension in the air.

On Friday's I treat my daughters to what is called Fabulous Slurpy Friday. They go 110 miles an hour all week in camp and combined with hopefully a week of good behavior we hit up 7-Eleven on Fridays for a little treat. This Friday was a particular busy one in which there was about 10 people in line in front of us and as I was watching I realized how little or no conversation/attention was given to the attendant. So when it was our turn I made it a focus to Be First. To be the first person to converse, to be the first person to mention her name (name tags help), to be the first person to show kindness, to be the first person to ask how her day was going and maybe be the first person that day to show the human kindness of caring. It wasn't a surprise what happened next as she smiled, opened up how busy the day was and probably upset everyone else behind me as now she was engaged in the present with an energy that one could feel along with more conversation.

My point in this article is how many times during your day can you be the person that goes first? Opens a door, gives a compliment, motivates a co-worker, starts a conversation with a stranger, buys a starbucks for the person behind you in line, be the first person at work showing your boss a drive to succeed, being the first person in your circle to set moon shot goals which drive you out of a comfort zone and most important always being the person that goes first thus being a leader for others to model after.

Most people I have watched from a distance carry on through life with their heads down. Focused on what they have to do tomorrow instead of the present. This leads us to miss out on so many of the pearls of life that are so small and you missed cause your head was buried in your phone.

Being first may save a person's life. Heard an awful stat the other day how many people carry on through their days depressed and that 70% of the US population hates their jobs. While you can't change their job status a potential hi or asking how their day is going may be just what they needed at that particular moment instead of potentially doing something harmful.

Being first allows us to truly experience life for all its worth. Be the first one to tell your loved one how much they mean to you. Be the first person to forgive a friend instead of holding a grudge that more than likely will affect your life more than theirs. Be the first person to give up a bad habit as most bad habits limit us for greatness in other facets of life. Be the first person to challenge your kids to believe in themselves and not worry what someone else things of them.

So as you can see there is no specific designation of what being first means. Its something that is open to your own interpretation. For 13 out of the 15 years I have raced endurance sports my main focus was always some form of being on the podium. The flaw in this focus is it doesn't always work out like you want and tends to lead to more frustration/stress. The be first moment for me has been the last 2 years of realizing that each time I step up to a starting line I may not end up being the first person to finish but I will 100% be the first person to figure out how I can use that experience to live a better life for me and my kids.

So while your out and about today try being that first person to say thanks, hi, pleasure meeting you, great doing business with you and mostly being the first person in any situation to delve out positive energy.

Make It Count!!!!

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