Dear Dad -
Its been almost 48 hours since your passing and while I thought I would be stronger by now well I am not. I keep running through my head just wanting to chat one more time on what's going on in life. Da Bears are making moves and I truly believe that this could be the year for them to go all the way which would be a great tribute for them to you!
I had plenty of time yesterday to not only ponder our relationship in life but to ponder just life in general. I always come to the same conclusion that we as humans always take life so for granted. We get into our routines and think our days are guaranteed. I am guilty of it constantly in the sense of one day truly Making It Count and then the next letting others opinions dictate the structure of my day.
There are two gifts that you gave me during your young 65 years. The first is that being a DAD is the most important job there is. Professional jobs will come and go. One might get caught up in the drama of their profession but in the big picture of life your profession shouldn't define you. What should define you is the family you surround yourself with. They are the ones that will love you to no end that the ones who you spend so much quality time with. I have truly grasped being a dad with all my heart and it literally is the best job I could ever ask for. So for that I thank you.
The other gift is the magic of believing in another person. I don't think you once in my life told me I couldn't do something which I will forever be grateful for. Any and all ideas I came at you with you never told me NO or that it COULDN'T be done. You always challenged me to find a way. To never give up but dig down and implement a plan for success. I carry this on to my girls also in that I always challenge them to never think they can't do something and definitely don't think they can't because they are a girl.
Some of the greatest memories I have are of the simplest of times. The fishing trips, camping out in the backyard, canoeing down the river to go catch turtles, taking Jimbo and I to Cubs games and shooting basketball for hours at the cabin in Wisconsin. The moments were not forced but happened naturally.
I have come to hate the word addiction over the years mainly because I couldn't grasp why one thing could over power someone's thoughts and actions. My heart will forever hurt that you had to deal with addiction on a daily basis. I know I tried for many years to help and part of me believes that I could have done more which has brought on many tears the past couple days. My goal in life has always been to help as many people as I can and to some degree I feel like one of the most important people I could have helped I failed. This will forever hurt but what I do know is I can take that hurt and use it for good.
Loosing anyone in life is tough but a son loosing his dad is definitely a difficult one especially when I didn't get to say goodbye. Time took you away from us faster than we had planned and for that I vow to never waste another minute of time not Making It Count! I also regret that I wasn't able to get my book in front of you in time for you to see the project I am so proud of so for that I pledge to you that I will do the follow:
#Crush being a dad to your grandchildren
#Take care of your daughters
#Never give up on Da Bears
#Help as many people as I can through Make It Count
#Don't take peoples opinions or advice seriously until I have had time to evaluate importance
#Teach my girls the ART of fishing
#Find a way to battle against the power of addiction
#Never forget how important time is and how the little things matter
#Show up to everything I do 100%
#Consistently be the leader people need to chase their dreams and goals
#Don't waste another second
Thanks for everything you gave me in life! There were lots of good times and lots of rough times but for all the times they gave value to the man I am today and for that I am grateful. I truly hope you are in a place of healing now and know that you will be forever missed. The love will never disappear but will forever grow in your honor. Thanks for everything and all the principles you have directly and indirectly taught me in life. Its now time to go share those with the world and make the most out of everything as nothing about the future is guaranteed.
Love you dad,
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