Do you truly know what you want? I mean if you had to give a 30 second elevator pitch on what you want with the rest of your time on this journey...COULD YOU HONESTLY COME UP WITH A STRONG, SOLID RESPONSE?
The ultimate problem in life (for some its really not a problem because they either DON'T care or they ALREADY have it figured out!) is that most people figure out what they really want and how they want to obtain it at a stage that is TOOOOO late.
So like the title of this post says...."If youth only knew, if age only could!"
Do you know what the reference point is?
Here is a little friendly reminder...its the most precious commodity we have in this world and the only commodity that once its gone...well its gone forever!
The answer is TIME!!!!
TIME is something we know is extremely important but, honestly, DO YOU USE IT THE RIGHT WAY?
The easy answer is NO! In today's world we are on our phones TOO much, we play around on the internet TOO much, we fall into a stage of anxiety which ultimately is worrying about something in the future that may not happen TOO much, we argue over stupid shit like politics, nutrition, exercise, paint colors and random opinions TOO much, we delay on making that stressful phone call that we know we need to make thus loosing sleep over a call that ultimately may go better than expected...TOOOOO MUCH!
You, me, the NBA player last night, your kids incredible teacher and my buddy who is worth more money than I would know what to do with all have one thing in common...NONE OF US ARE PERFECT AT MAXMIZING OUR TIME AND USING IT TO THE MOST EFFIENCET LEVEL POSSIBLE!
Guess what? It's completely ok as long as you know that is your TRUTH!
My step-dad had some health issues last weekend that were extremely stressful and pushed the agenda of TIME IMPORTANCE into my mind, a patient of mine lost her, extremely healthy brother of 34 years old, to a massive heart attack and that pushed the agenda of TIME IMPORTANCE into my mind, my absolutely adorable, beautiful, badass daughter is graduating high school and that most definitely pushed the agenda of TIME IMPORTANCE into my mind!
The problem is I will go through my day today, privileged to the opportunities in front of me and I will get lazy in my GRATITUDE department and I will forget at some level how lucky I am to have the TIME I have!
Is this upsetting? Not at all because I am human and as humans we often forget how amazing we have it overall!
This is why my 30 second elevator pitch becomes so important because this is when I can speak it into my own mind and remind myself WHAT REALLY MATTERS!
My elevator pitch...
"My practice in life has always been to push myself one percent better than I was yesterday. Spiritual, mental and physical growth allows me to take care of myself which in turn strengthens my bonds in life. Whether its racing an ultra-endurance event, watching my kids conquer their dreams, acknowledging how lucky I am to have met my wife, inspiring someone to find a passion or leading a movement to change the world, life is a canvas that allows me to paint my own future."
If your path has taken an unfortunate turn lately...its ok! Take a minute, take a deep breath, saddle back up and LET'S GO!
Always Crush Life!
Make It Count!
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