Thursday, November 7, 2013


I know that there is no shock that I am once again using a picture of my daughter to illustrate my point. The thing is that the three of them are constantly teaching me values/principles in life even though they don't even realize it. The picture above is my little one and what the picture is showing is that with twisting/turning and pulling she is able to get herself out of the cribs harness. The days and comfort of knowing once you put her down she can't move and get into trouble are over. Your asking how this relates to my blog topic today and its pretty simple. She has taken it upon herself to figure out how to get out of a tough situation (situation being that she is tired of just laying around) and ESCAPE from the limitations or harness that life has placed on her.

I hear patients, coaching clients, family, friends and just about everyone at some point say they CAN'T do something. For some reason they have developed some type of doubt in their mind and put a limitation on accomplishing a task. These people believe that certain achievements are beyond their grasp and no matter the hard work put in they would not be able to succeed. People have built this idea in their head that if success is not an easy acquisition then why try. Everything now is the easy way out with fear of hard work or fear of the unknown result. Well let me be the first or maybe the hundred person to tell you that this is all garbage!!!

We are 100% capable of accomplishing anything we put our minds to. Yeah most of them will take lots of hard work, focus, determination and a thick skin knowing that failure is part of the learning and success process. I have failed many times over my life span but I have never once looked at it as a negative maybe thanks to my parents instilling me from day one that failure is fine as long as you take something positive away from it and LEARN.

Life's harness and restraints are everywhere we turn from fast food restaurants tempting those trying to loose weight, the snooze button allowing you to sleep in and miss that integral swim set, taking medication instead of taking time to figure the root cause of your problem which may fix the problem for good, fear of public speaking which may hold you back from giving that presentation needed to excel professionally or the hours of useless TV content distracting you from finishing your research needed to obtain your PhD.....I could go on forever with theses examples as they are present everywhere you turn these days.

Whether its the picture of my daughter figuring out how to succeed in ESCAPING from her crib or my other daughters not allowing anything to hold back their progress in life I have become so much more confident in the human spirit since having children. I have been trying to learn Portuguese recently from our nanny and its a tall task for me as something deep down is telling me that its to hard to daughters on the other hand don't look at it as hard but approach it more with a fun outlook and last night they where singing a songs in was amazing!!!

I will let you know that ESCAPING the constraints in life is not an easy process but with focus, attention and a solid plan of attack you will be able to accomplish goals beyond your wildest dreams. I have seen people loose 200 pounds over time the hard way with nutrition and exercise...I have seen one of my good buddies cross the finish line of an Ironman (the amazing feat was at over 300 pounds society would tell him its impossible)....I have seen my wife push through constraint after constraint professionally with hundreds of roadblocks in her way only to succeed time and time again...I have seen my mom go back to college in her 50's and graduate with honors...I have seen my sister who at age 6 was given weeks to live only to overcome and live a life of success with two beautiful daughters (her only downside is she's a Packers fan).

So please if nothing else start today building your future. Pick a task or something that you have wanted to accomplish and start working towards that goal. If needed build a team or ask for help (coaches whether life or sport are great) if needed but know if you keep pushing forward I will guarantee you will succeed and in the end it helps me because the world will be a better place with people accomplishing their goals.


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