Wednesday, November 20, 2013


When the word time is used in our day to day language or thought process how is it defined in your world? Most people refer to time in regards to being stuck on Interstate 95 with only 10 minutes till work starts and they are an hour away. Some people refer to time in regards to how long they will wait at the local eating establishment to be seated. Then there are people who view time in regards to how many minutes are left until the weekend. Over the past year I have started to view time in a different manor. Time to me stands for making sure that each day I make the most out of my time on this earth as I have learned that nothing is guaranteed.

Above you will see pictures of the the man in which this whole blog started. I am bringing up Jimmy once again in my blog as one year ago on Thanksgiving my family had the joy of spending the day with Jimmy and his family. The day was surrounded by food, drinks, a touch football game and more important the sight that no one could tell Jimmy was dealing with brain cancer. His strength and will to fight the fight over powered the tumor that was trying to overtake his brain. He showed everyone that even when life just doesn't seem fair you don't have to give up and throw in the towel. Life is all about what you make it and Jimmy was going to make the most of what time he had. The picture on the bottom was 6 months later days before cancer won the fight but not the battle (just would like to note Jimmy was a die hard Bears fan all the way to the end...I knew there was a reason we bonded so well). He fought all the way to the end making the most of his days and trying to leave a lasting impression on the world of the great man that he was.

What can we learn from Jimmy and just about every person that has been given that diagnosis of Cancer? I think we can learn that each and every one of us has the strength and will to make life (time) count. My question to you is why wait until something negative in your life happens that forces you to change? Start today and build on the person you want to become. We all have goals or bucket list items in our life. Why wait and keep pushing off your dreams when the day may come where time is not your friend. Act today and forge ahead pursuing the goals you have stirring in your head.

Here is an action plan that works...pick a goal, skill you want to obtain, a dream vacation, potential new career and follow this strategy. On a piece of paper write down 30 days, 60 days and 90 days. Now under those headlines start filling in what you need to do in that time frame to conquer your goals.

Time is the one thing that will always be there but also can be pulled out from underneath us in the blink of an eye. Why wait to make a difference when we have the power to make the most of our time on earth. I will always guarantee to Jimmy that I will not waste what I have been given and I will keep pushing to make sure I prove to him and the world that I can make a difference.

Make It Count!!!

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