Thursday, February 13, 2014

Helthy! Helthy! Helthy! Helthy!

My daughter was given the task recently from an amazing women named Roseann who is in charge of Team Inspiration ( The two of them I will admit are two peas in a pod and hit it off immediately challenging each other with their goals in life, things that make them smile and just the simple satisfaction of making each other smile. Roseann was explaining the concept of developing a vision board in life of all the things that have meaning to us as individuals. One can then look back at the vision board during difficult times or when motivation is low and the hope it will help you focus and bring power for accomplishment. So Avery being Avery quickly developed her vision board but also spent about 20 minutes writing another blog entry that she told me I had to display for everyone. Here is her Blog titled Helthy (aka Healthy) and inside she recorded the following...

You should eat helthy because if you don't eat helthy you can get sick and you don't want to be sick trust me. But you do want to be helthy because you will never get sick. Hear are some thing you should eat, any meats, fruits, bacon, veges and any thing helthy. A LOT OF WATER! You should drink and eat A lot of this stuff. Being sick IS bad so you want to be helthy. Starting NOW. From Avery

I am extremely proud of her for understanding at a very young age and especially in today's society that a lot of what you put in your mouth can either have a negative or positive effect on your life. I hope she continues to want to understand what helth I mean health means and keep pushing the limit of her goals, her personality, her love for helping people and not change because someone else told her something different. 

Without getting into detail I was reminded more this week how the daily need to Make It Count!!! Our time is not guaranteed so don't waste your time worrying about the little things in life. Keep pushing forward so that when your time comes hopefully you leave a lasting impression of greatness.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Ms. Aves! Thoughts become things... way to focus on what has meaning in your life! LOVE Auntie Liz
