Sunday, March 27, 2016


This post comes at a time when my heart is heavy but my drive to MAKE IT COUNT is stronger than any other time in my life. No matter how high we fly in life, no matter how high on the mountain top we seek to motivate, no matter how much positive energy can flow through your body...there will always be times when the harsh events of reality can knock you upside the head.

Without getting into details of recent events I will just say that the evil of cancer has struck across a spectrum of close family and friends recently. Initially it was very difficult and will never get easier but one thing popped into my head that cancer can never strip me of....MEMORIES!!!!

Memories are a powerful tool that when used in the right mindset can set the tone for your present and future self. While I was upset and extremely mad at the moment I heard diagnosis or word hospice it only took one memory to bring me into a state of being calm and having clarity of mind to do whatever was needed for that individual.

While memories can come from a place of negativity at times they can also more often come from a place of motivation, inspiration and growth should you choose to use them in that manner. Time to time negative memories creep into my mindset (no one is perfect) but what I have taught myself is to always think what can I learn from that event. This in exchange turns a negative into a positive. I can thus take a memory of a time when life wasn't working out and apply it to the present moment in an effort to grow stronger.

My main goal as a parent is to always be present in my kids life's. This in exchange gives my kids a memory of dad was always there for us no matter what.

Memories also lead into what I strive for in leave a legacy. When my time comes I want nothing more than my funeral to be a celebration. I want people to rejoice in the memories that I left them with. I want people to say that the world was a better place because Jake was here. All of that wouldn't be possible without the ability for others to have those lasting memories.

While cancer may win or may not win this round what will never be taken away from me is the incredible memories I have of these individuals always being there for me, teaching me extremely valuable lessons at a young age, showing me how to get in trouble and not getting caught (sorry mom) and most of all leaving me with a smile about the good times we had.

Make it your mission tomorrow to leave lasting memories as none of us knows when it will be our time so what other option do you have other than to MAKE IT COUNT!!!

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