Monday, April 13, 2015

Perceived Limitations

“The only way to find the limits of the possible is by going beyond them to the impossible.”
— Arthur C. Clarke

Have you ever sat down and thought to yourself what is the difference in our makeup which allows one person to have a no limitations mentality vs. your neighbor who has an excuse or belief that they can't accomplish anything? What sets us apart from believing we can do anything we put our minds to vs. a fear of failure that stops us in our tracks thus limiting your chances for personal success in life.

I am not sure I really know the answer to this one but the way I approach almost every challenge that comes into my life is to use the approach of just START. Yes that's right my simple approach to not limiting myself is to just START towards the goal, event, obstacle, race or whatever is in my path. The one reason most people never reach their true potential and I am a believer that all of us have an amazing ability to reach for the stars is that they never START.

Human emotions and actions usually present in a way of thinking only about the acts of failure, misfortune, what others will think or how hard/painful the process will be. Well I am here to say that yes you will probably fail a time or two and there will be experiences of deep pain but what I can also tell you is these are short term sacrifices to make in order to reach a high level of success.

I recently have been thinking about a couple long term goals for myself and my initial emotional response was a deep pit in my stomach. This is a normal typical human emotion that is completely normal and what should happen. Without some emotion involved in a journey the journey would be left dark and empty. What is important next is to analyze that pit in the stomach and evaluate why it is there. Almost 100% of the time the emotion comes from a level of self limitation or disbelief in yourself. This is the moment when confidence in your skills and an open acceptance that you will learn a lot about yourself during your journey comes into play.

At the end of the day the main reason why you are not the success you dreamed of at one point in your life is because you put a limit on yourself. Somehow, someday you thought to yourself you didn't have what it took to ask for that promotion, start training for that triathlon, a belief that you didn't have the creativity to write a book or basically the courage to become a great public speaker. The good news is that almost all limits are made to be broken or constantly pushed to a new level. Self exploration takes time and effort and along the path to success you will constantly set new limits and push the envelope that at one time you thought was impossible. Fear will be present along the path but I typically use fear as my friend knowing that fear and pain are temporary but the success of growing will be with me for a lifetime.

The picture above is my little one pushing the limits of her life. The great thing about a 2 year old that constantly hangs out with kids 5 plus years her age is that she has no personal limits. She believes that anything her 9 year old sister does that you better believe she will accomplish the same thing. Her oldest sister was jumping on the box so this little one decided she would do whatever it took to get on top of the box (wish I could tell you she jumped) and look what happened. Next time your out with your kids. nieces or nephews at a playground/park watch how kids dream and play with no limitation in their life. I understand that as adults we have bills, jobs and other obligations but this doesn't mean that you can't dream also.

Make It Count!!!

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