Monday, July 13, 2015

Life Outside the Box

How many times have you heard the saying "think outside the box" and how many times have you thought up a great idea which just stayed an idea? The thought didn't go through the implementation phase and you also curled back up into your comfortable world inside the box. You then revisit that outside the box experience every now and sometimes ideas take up steam and create a dream event. However some of these people still fall back into their comfortable, cozy couch of the easy way of life never committing themselves again to the rush of life changing events, thoughts or success.

Now how many people do you know that don't think outside the box but live outside the box? The person that never gives in to common ground and is always trying to push the button on what is typically accepted as OK or status quo. The person who seems to always have a refreshing, entertaining and thought provoking idea. The person who always seems to be just one step ahead of the curve or is the person leading the current wave of thought. The person you always want to be around because you never know what will come out of that crazy mind of theirs.

I have tried in my life to live my life outside the box and most of the time I feel like I succeed but I am one that will tend to fall back into the comfortable life. I will not be pushed out of the box again until I notice myself to comfortable with life and that something needs a spark to get my engines going again.

If you follow most of the current minds in business from tech, to fitness to single minded entrepreneurship you will notice that most of them live their life outside the box. Most took rather simple concepts that potentially have been around for a long period of time, improvised a modern day approach and pushed the limitation of what was expected out of that product/service into a model that works. The word entrepreneur is thrown around more frequently now a days and while a majority will never land the unicorn most of them are pushing the limits or boundaries of what is comfortable thus living outside the box.

I have had the blessing of knowing two people who fit the mold of living outside the box. The first one is my middle daughter. Since day one she has been my child who has constantly pushed the limit of WHY? While still young and only in the 2nd grade her mind lives outside the box of reason. She is not the kid to accept and answer for what it is but to always question why something can't be done, or what is holding that person back or why do I have to wait for school to start reading when I can teach myself. This is a kid who gave the teacher a hard time the first two weeks of school cause she didn't get homework. I hope that she will forever be a thinker outside the box cause it pushes me to think harder how I can live a life more driven to help her succeed.

The second person unfortunately is no longer with us but please go back through the blogs are read the entry on GiGi. My wife's grandmother lived a life full of outside the box thinking and actions. She lived till a beautifully full life till she was 96 and there wasn't one day that went by where she didn't invest her time and thoughts towards making sure everyone around her was happy. I would sit outside our summer home in Maine with her for hours and in her 90's she could easy spark conversation that made you question your abilities not in the negative sense but more of why put limitations on yourself and reach for those moon shot goals. Lots of success I have had in my life has been due to some of the conversation we had and her faith/belief in me. She is missed everyday in my household but all of us know to keep pressing forward as that is what she would want.

So you will see that my version of living outside the box is not just great business ideas or a wealth of success from selling an idea. Its being able to live outside a life that is comfortable. Its living a life that is designed to leave a lasting impressions on those you encounter. Its about being larger than life itself so that when its your time to go people will write blogs on you about how you made their life better by just caring.

Make It Count!!!

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