Thursday, July 9, 2015

ME Inc.

How many of us grew up dreaming of owning our own business? Owning the market place you work, live and grow in? Holding the top position within a company and having people look up to you as a leader, motivator, educator or mentor? I understand that as life rolls forward that some of us will never end up being CEO of a company (although I believe deep in my gut that each and every one of us has the capability to lead) but you can always be CEO of ME Inc.

Motivator, Leader, Entrepreneur, Educator, Mentor, Intelligent, Creative, Challenge Driven, Proactive, Optimistic, Vision, Integrity, Communication and Strength are just a few words that I can come up with to describe the foundations of a successful CEO. Well I am hear to tell you that each and everyone of those words are ones that you can apply to your life now to create personal wealth.

Are you taking control of your life in the four horsemen of success...spiritual, emotional, physical and financial or are you letting others create and dictate your next steps in life? Why give power to others in the decisions that control you in the future? When we let others run our life we are not the CEO of ME Inc. Most people fail to reach their true potential in life not because they are not smart enough or connected enough but more because they don't take charge of themselves. They give away their potential due to lack of confidence, an outlook that life is unfair and they have to work to hard to get what they want.

In regards to that last point I am not saying success is easy as most successful people have failed more times that the media shows. All we see is the fancy cars, clothes, living quarters and confidence but what you don't see is how many times life knocked them down. What made these people succeed though was the unwillingness to quit, the drive to correct the course and the love the have for themselves as CEO of Me Inc.

Don't your think if you treated yourself as CEO of your life that you could immediately make a positive impact on yourself, your family and your community? I know over the years I have applied facets of each and have only noticed positive results. While the list is immense towards what you could implement to help you reach CEO status here are a few things I have done/noticed....

1. Yourself - Read, Read, Read and Read some more. Whether you are a kindle, internet or good old faith full page turner...we are blessed to have some pretty incredible books available to us. The blessing books give us is a glimpse at the stories of some of the most incredible people in our history. Books give us a chance to see what has worked for some people and what hasn't thus allowing us to model our lives and draw principles to live by.

2. Family - Family has always and always will be my number one priority in life (hopefully I can build the strength to share why someday). My goal in getting married was not just to have a wife but more to experience and amazing life with my best friend/soul mate. My goal in having kids was not to be a father (anyone can have a kid) but more to be a dad...someone the girls can look up to 110% of the time and know without a doubt that I will always be there for them. How does all this correlate to ME Inc. Well just like a successful CEO has a staff that helps drive the family helps drive me to be a better person everyday which helps build my strength as CEO of ME Inc. I also have a drive and a personal commitment towards teaching my girls that they are in charge of their life. I want to build a personal confidence in their ability to be CEO of ME Inc. at a young age. If we can build and support our youth now imagine how incredible the future will be.

3. Community - Think about someone in your community who you love to be around, someone that inspires you, someone that constantly gives back to the community in an unselfish manner. Now think to yourself why can't this be you? When we open up and decide to give back not only do we make a positive impact on others but we improve the confidence in ourselves which helps build up that status in your mind of CEO of ME Inc.

In the end whether or not you want to call yourself your own CEO is up to you. My goal is to remind you to believe in yourself, take control of your life and not give it away to someone else to run and always make decisions which are the best for yourself or in the best interest of ME Inc.

Make It Count!!!!

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