Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Time Arrow!


"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." 

Last night I was watching the movie GROWN UPS and towards the end of the movie Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Kevin James play a game called arrow roulette! 

Like most scenes in the movie, I couldn't stop laughing but silly comedy is right up my avenue for stress relief! 

In this game (in case you haven't seen the movie) they shoot an arrow straight up in the air and the last person standing without running away wins! With this cast of characters it becomes a hot mess with eventually an arrow in one's foot!

Seems simple but ridiculously stupid right? 

Well I woke up this morning not able to stop thinking of that scene. Not because it was an amazing, Academy Award, movie moment but more because aren't we all just playing a game of arrow roulette or as I like to call it TIME ARROW! 

The key is your arrow was shot in the air the day we were born! Once we came out of the womb the arrow was shot and the clock started to tick! 

We grow up with a mind full of imagination, a mind full of discovery, a mind full of I have a million dreams of what I want to accomplish, a mind full of falling in love and a mind full of well...really...anything! 

Then at some point we get lazy, we lose that magical focus, or vision or our dream disappears and we are trapped in the loop of wasting every second that time ticks bye. 

And what we mostly forget is...

That arrow is falling back towards earth with our name on it! 

The arrow on the clock is ticking away but the arrow of when our journey will end is getting closer and closer.

I hate to sound like a dooms day, life sucks and what's the point preacher but we always need a swift kick in the ass or like the stoics believed...MEMENTO MORI!


When we fully grasp that saying and we embrace it...THEN...we can implement change in our day and fully go ape shit crazy on chasing what's important to us! 

Whether its the arrow on the clock or the arrow falling back towards our eventual demise...both of those arrows will never stop! 

THERE is physically nothing you can do! Sure you can do a whole bunch of not great things to guarantee your journey will come to a close but LIFE IS LIFE and its up to us to get the most out of our clock! 

The number one thing on everyone's death bed is not I wish I would have had a fancy car, fancy watch, huge mansion or more money in the bank. The number one thing said is regret and more of regret they didn't value the things that meant the most to them! 

I write this blog for four very simple reasons...

1. I value everything and anything my step-father AL has given me and blessed me with. The gratitude I have for that man runs extremely deep and I love him just as much as my blood father if not more! The fact that he is battling Alzheimer's breaks my heart but I have it in the power of my crazy stupid mind to chase wild challenges (10 mile ocean swim in Septemeber!) to share memories with him and hopefully raise funds/awareness for neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

2. Myself! I truly love writing these blog posts and my daily post on social media mainly for myself! They are reminders to me of what I need to focus on! They are reminders to me on what I am failing at! They are reminders to me of how much more I could do! They are reminders to me of what I am succeeding at! They are reminders to me of all the small wins I am accumulating! 

3. My kids! I hope that when my time comes my kids can stand up and share with the crowd how proud they were of me! How much they appreciated my small attempts to make the world just 1% better. What they don't realize is most lessons I teach or share, I learned from them! 

4. YOU! Rarely do people read this far into any post or blog entry...mainly because we have too much on our plates, we only search for the quick fixes and well no one really cares about self improvement unless it comes in a pill! If that's you then I still love you! However I have had too many people reach out after a post and say in changed the trajectory of their life, that they were in a bad place and they implemented one small strategy and their life changed or that they lost 200 pounds because I never allowed them to quit! 

So as you go through your day today! I hope you have a little fire in your pants knowing that you are dealing with the TIME ARROW! 

That arrow could care less how you treat others, how much money you have or how many followers you have on the gram! 

All the arrow cares about is that you are maximizing your time and MAKING IT COUNT! 

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